As we continue to travel around the country and listen to our constituents talk about the issues that they face, we realize how out of touch our current congressional leaders and Presidency are. As hard as it is to believe, those leading the country today seem to forget, once they’re elected, that there are REAL people back home begging them to make changes and solve problems.
House lawmakers spent $1.4M in tax dollars for DC apartments, dining:
Your tax dollars at work … and play.
House lawmakers have spent $1.4 million in federal money subsidizing their lodging and dining in Washington, DC — with several millionaire members among those bilking Americans for the funds.
A Democrat-led provision introduced to the House rules handbook in the 117th Congress provides members with $34,000 annually to pay for rentals, hotel stays and meals while going about their official duties in the nation’s capital, the Washington Free Beacon reported. Rather than produce receipts, the members only have to list their “eligible expenses” on lodging, meals, and incidentals related to official travel and duties, the handbook states.
Now, I don’t know about you but for 40 years, I was required to keep a receipt and justify every penny I spent on a corporate account. MACA
The rules change was described as a “tax-free $34,000 pay bump” by the New York Times, which first calculated the reimbursement figure for members in January.
At least 17 Democratic lawmakers with a net worth of $1 million or more have made use of the funds, including House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-Mass), who has reported assets totaling up to $13.5 million, and Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.), who has reported a net worth of up to $1.8 million.
Neither immediately responded to The Post’s requests for comment.
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who cited reckless federal spending as a primary reason he led the effort to oust House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) in October, spent the most of any lawmaker.
The Florida Republican took around $23,000 for his living expenses and meals between January and May, with his wife Ginger sharing sumptuous images raving on social media about the “perks of having a chef husband.”
“Squad” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has complained on her Instagram account that her $174,000 annual congressional salary is barely enough to cover living expenses.
TRAVEL: Since 2005, members of Congress and their committee staffers have embarked on 16,367 trips. During this period, the top destinations were Israel, United Kingdom, France, Germany, and United Arab Emirates.
Last year, the U.S. House spent $4.3 million on overseas travel. Our auditors combed through the disclosures and found some pricey trips taken in the summer of 2019.
There is an onsite beauty salon and member-dedicated subway to shuttle members around the Hill. Taxpayers spent $10MM over the last five years on elevator doormen whose job it is to hit the buttons and hold doors.
Over the past 12 months, the Gallop public opinion congressional polling ranged from 17% approval to 31% approval. Why such disdain for Congress?
One reason could be echoed by Mark Twain who famously stated, “No man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in.”