Dear World,
I am pleased to announce the presidential candidacy of The Donald. This is not the Donald you all know of. This a more well-spoken, better-mannered, fighter-of-justice, and sqausher-of-unreasonability Donald. The only common characteristic is the comb-over. Oh, and possible lack of priority for political correctness. This Donald’s expression of thought, however, is always well received.
So without further ado, I present the official campaign platform. Make your vote matter and vote for The Donald! Enjoy reading!
Message 11/29/15
To My Honorable, Non-Biased Campaign Staff:
After much deliberation, (3.14 minutes) and receiving feedback from my “feasibility study”‘; with amazing support (7 people) and beckoning requests (4 people), I have decided to throw my hat in the ring and become another (somewhere above 10) candidate for President.
The theme for my campaign is “Will the Real Donald, please stand up.” Please watch the attached video to learn how to tell the difference between “fake and real.” (Make sure you start at the beginning of the video)
My motto is: ” If you don’t offend me, I won’t offend you”
My campaign vehicle is: “Rambo One”
Rambo One (our family vehicle of 25 years) is the Official Presidential Campaign vehicle (see below). What do you think? If you like it, then good. If you don’t, then it doesn’t matter what you think. If this vehicle ever breaks down, my back-up is the cow that kicked Mark (our favorite brother-in-law), which will be pulling Rambo One from town to town.
I plan to visit every “little town” in America, give away Playskool “Cell Phones” from Toys R Us. If you vote for me once you will receive a a free Chick Fil A sandwich and if you vote for me twice, you get waffle fries also. If Mark and Jen (wife of the favorite brother-in-law) can convince all of the great citizens of Muleshoe to vote for me, I will have a high likelihood of winning the national election. I will visit Oshkosh, Nebraska, Boring, Oregon, Why, Arizona, Why Not, Mississippi, Loafers Glory, North Carolina, Sweet Lips, Tennessee, Lonelyville, N.Y. (they need a little love), Do Stop, Kentucky and my personal favorite, Hopeulikit, Georgia.
Many candidates shy away from the major issues facing this country, but not this Donald – The Donald.
1) I oppose taxation of children’s Lemonade stands.
2) I support natural energy—solar power, wind power, and methane gas power from the dairy cattle in Texas. We will harvest this “natural gas” and ship it to states in need. (Share the wealth)
3) All people are welcome in America, as long as, they can pass the U.S. “litmus test.” They have to be able to read the periodic table backwards and they have to know the atomic number of each chemical element. In addition, they have to agree to be a “test driver” for 1 year in a Google, self driving, (autonomous) vehicle, in order to earn money and pay taxes.
4) Social Security will be renamed “Social Insecurity.”
5) Lastly, because most of those who currently represent us in Washington, don’t get along very well, I will implement a new policy which states that “all of them,” I repeat, “all of them” must attend a “playground” sensitivity training program. They will practice sharing the swings, slides and climbing equipment. Those who fail the course, will be ticketed at “speed traps” on their way home.
I will continue to unveil other, very important policies, in upcoming issues of my Senior Citizens newsletter.
Thank you for your support,
Pappy Donald (The Real Deal)

VOTE FOR ME! No good reason, just askin’