Still, the other 5 candidates fail to consider the burning questions that are at the top of all our citizens minds. For example; ” A spinning top always stops. Why does the Earth keep spinning?” Our citizens are concerned. What if the Earth quits spinning. Can the next president handle this issue?
It’s essential that a potential President can address these issues to alleviate any fear that may prevent the public from doing their daily chores like chopping pickles for canning. Without pickles, all major hamburger joints shut down and everyone starves to death because no one knows how to cook a homemade meal anymore. Here are some of the other major concerns on the minds of Americans:
Only the “Real Donald” is aware of these concerns and has a platform to address and solve these issues. Next week we will address these issues. Now a member of my campaign staff will give the Pledge of Allegiance to show how we will start every meeting in the White House and Congress if I am elected. (Make sure you watch it until the end, it’s only 4:20 minutes. Red Skelton’s Pledge of Allegiance – YouTube
That’s it folks, have a happy and prosperous week! Vote the Real Donald |