The Donald Campaign Message 01/17/2016

To anyone who cares, would like to care or may care in the future,
Last week I addressed some of the new concerns we face as a nation.  Specifically, who do we turn to when we, as a people, need help?  The old days are gone! Yep, Sayonara, Adios, Ciao, Au reveoir, Ahn youn hee ka se yo, arrivederci, bi xatre te, da svidaniya, ha det or my personal favorite—————–See Ya Pal!
It use to be you could turn to almost anyone, to get directions when you were lost, when you ran out of gas, couldn’t find something in a store, or were caught in a snowstorm in Melrose, New Mexico.  Well, that ain’t going to happen today.  First of all, if you go into a service station and say I’m lost, can you help me get to_______ (fill in the blank), the attendant doesn’t speak your language (probably one of the above languages), he looks at you like you just escaped from one of the pens at the Hogle Zoo, or he thinks you can just use your GPS in the car.  Guess what? A 1991 Nissan Sentra, by the name of Rambo, doesn’t, I repeat, doesn’t have GPS.  As a matter of fact, my campaign vehicle, which you’ve already seen in prior newsletters, will never have GPS.  I don’t want to taint my vehicle.  I want to get to those little towns on my own, with a map, and occasionally with the help of someone WHO CARES!  Most people can’t help you get where you want to go because they don’t know how to get there either.  Why? They don’t know how to read a map or they can’t speak your language or they just escaped from a pen at the Hogle Zoo!
What about if you run out of gas? Better arm yourself with a howitzer because no one will stop, you don’t know which pen at the zoo they escaped from or they drive an electric car and don’t know what gas is anyway. Why they say, do you need gas, as they drive away.  Heaven forbid, if you ask for help to find something in a store.  First the person growls at you, second they tell you they aren’t paid enough (minimum wage of $15 an hour) or they really don’t know where it is in the store either.  The stores turn over employees ever 7 and a half seconds.
Yes, we are a nation in trouble! Oh, we got trouble. Just watch…………
Yes, we are at the tipping point, just like Aldous Huxley suggests in his book “Brave New World.”  Although the novel is set in the future it deals with contemporary issues of the early 20th century. An early trip to the United States gave Brave New World much of its character. Not only was Huxley outraged by the culture of youth, commercial cheeriness and sexual promiscuity, and the inward-looking nature of many Americans, he had also found the book My Life and Work by Henry Ford on the boat to America, and he saw the book’s principles applied in everything he encountered after leaving San Francisco.[16]
Others running for President in 2016, have missed the boat.  They think everything is Hunky Dorey!  Why should we talk to each other? Why should we care about others? Why should we help others get out of the convenience store in Melrose, Texas.  Let’s let the government do it.  After all, they already provide us with Medicare, Medicaid, free cell phones, Social Insecurity, and a dozen other programs so, we don’t have to work the rest of our lives.  Put us in the pens, and tell us when the “food is in the trough” and we’ll come eat.
Well, I have a solution. It’s called the Marshmellow Test, or the Delayed Gratification Test. Everyone in America has been trained to “want everything, now. Right Now!  And by the way, I want it my way–who cares about others!
Here’s the test……

The Stanford marshmallow experiment[1] was a series of studies on delayed gratification in the late 1960s and early 1970s led by psychologist Walter Mischel, then a professor at Stanford University. In these studies, a child was offered a choice between one small reward provided immediately or two small rewards if they waited for a short period, approximately 15 minutes, during which the tester left the room and then returned. (The reward was sometimes a marshmallow, but often a cookie or a pretzel.) In follow-up studies, the researchers found that children who were able to wait longer for the preferred rewards tended to have better life outcomes, as measured by SAT scores,[2] educational attainment,[3] body mass index (BMI),[4] and other life measures.[5]

Here’s what the test looks like with kids,
So, there you go.  Adults act a lot like kids! We want our marshmallow now.  We need a paradigm shift.  After all, anyone who’s going to provide a “better life outcome” by serving marshmallows is on to something.  Let’s talk about that next week.
Vote for the Real Donald✌ Marshmallows for everyone!



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