The Real Donald doesn’t build walls, he tears them down
-To a More Perfect Union
Life has a way of just…happening
Read insightful thoughts from Donald’s Campaign messages
We are all well aware that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the leading candidates for President of the United States, but please take a step back and consider another candidate, one who is better qualified to serve as our Commander-in-Chief. His name is the Real Donald, and as the first and only person to unify the Continental Divide, quantify the English language, and extract aloe vera form a maple tree, he is at least worth your consideration. Thank you.
Vote the Real Donald!!
The course has been set. The ship has left the dock and the sailors are singing the words above as they set sail for the new land. It seems like uncharted territory but, in reality, there is a compass, there are stars and there are plenty of signs to tell us which way to go. We just need to listen to the words of nature, aka the “still small voice.”
In determining the timing and size of future adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate, the Committee will assess realized and expected economic conditions relative to its objectives of maximum employment and 2 percent inflation. This assessment will take into account a wide range of information, including measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial and international developments. In light of the current shortfall of inflation from 2 percent, the Committee will carefully monitor actual and expected progress toward its inflation goal.
We’re not just making this up as we go along. There are numbers — so many numbers — and we’re watching them all to decide when to raise rates. Want labor numbers? We got ’em. Inflation expectations data? We’ve got you covered.
Alan Graf/Cultura/Getty Images
These are the files they use as a backdrop for their dartboard.
Just remember, “You can’t fatten up the hog on the day of the fair!
Vote The “REAL Donald”
Still, the other 5 candidates fail to consider the burning questions that are at the top of all our citizens minds. For example; ” A spinning top always stops. Why does the Earth keep spinning?” Our citizens are concerned. What if the Earth quits spinning. Can the next president handle this issue?
It’s essential that a potential President can address these issues to alleviate any fear that may prevent the public from doing their daily chores like chopping pickles for canning. Without pickles, all major hamburger joints shut down and everyone starves to death because no one knows how to cook a homemade meal anymore. Here are some of the other major concerns on the minds of Americans:
Only the “Real Donald” is aware of these concerns and has a platform to address and solve these issues. Next week we will address these issues. Now a member of my campaign staff will give the Pledge of Allegiance to show how we will start every meeting in the White House and Congress if I am elected. (Make sure you watch it until the end, it’s only 4:20 minutes. Red Skelton’s Pledge of Allegiance – YouTube
That’s it folks, have a happy and prosperous week! Vote the Real Donald |
The Pentagonal Mart cost $200 million to build and was finished in 2009. Today, though, it’s a rare sight to see someone cruising the aisles of canned. It’s basically become the biggest vacant building in the city. People’s Daily News cites the Pentagonal Mart’s “location and its confusing inner structures” as the main sources of trouble. Which, yeah, I can think of places I’d rather get lost than a creepy derelict mall.
richardinman | 17 March, 2012 16:13
If more Americans pondered this simple question they would have a more clear understanding of why those brave men who came before us risked their blood, treasure and sacred honor to create the greatest nation on Earth.
The Founding Fathers were a revolutionary group, diverse in their professions and yet unified in their goal: American liberty.
They understood that the citizens should have a say in their government and that the government only derives its legitimate power from the consent of the governed.
When Thomas Jefferson penned those timeless, eloquent words of freedom in the Declaration of Independence it sent political shock waves around the world that continue to reverberate in the minds of revolutionaries everywhere.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
A challenge was issued that kings did not automatically have supreme authority.
Rights come from Nature’s God and it was time for men to rise up to secure these rights at any cost because it was the right thing to do.
Thomas Jefferson, a true literary warrior for American liberty, stated:
“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”
Did you catch the phrase above, “IT WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO”
There you have it. My philosophy about governing America. That phrase and the 5 bullet points above from Richard Dinman capture the essence of good leadership for our country.
In conclusion, I will share 2 prominent ideas I learned by going to church today.
1) You don’t see hearses pulling U-Hauls, with worldly possessions, to heaven.
2) You can’t fatten up the hog on the day of the fair..
Think about those 2 concepts and you’ll outwit any of my political rivals.
Let’s take the advice from above and vote for the right person, because it’s the right thing to do.
Vote; The Real Donald
As I continue down this campaign trail, I recognize that the best part of walking or (riding in my Rambo chariot) is that I can meet so many cool people and I can observe so many neat places in life. So, today I share with you some of life’s learning’s that make me not only, a better candidate but, a better person! Here we go…………….Hold on!
Now that I have your attention (and by the way, Jeff Gordon should have been drinking lemonade from one of the children’s stands in his neighborhood instead of Pepsi if he supported local business) we can look at some of the other great people out there who have practical ideas for families in our country.
What Practical Life Skills/Values Are You Going To Teach Your Children?
by Ann Simpson |
It’s important that we teach our children practical life skills–skills that teach them how to survive in society–how to thrive in society. These practical life skills can be divided into at least six categories and the skills that fall within each category are many, varied and probably endless. The question then arises as to which life skills you value and which life skills you and your spouse want to teach to your children. I’d like to share with you what I am teaching my children–
We do teach by example…as well as in lesson form. And it’s our responsibility to make sure our children possess the skills necessary to survive — even to thrive in the real world. So, the question is, what do you and your spouse want to teach your children? See what I mean? So much to learn from others if, we have an open mind. Of course the problem is most candidates running for office have forgotten how to be practical. Take a listen to this: Paul Harvey says it like no other;…/the-rest-of-the-story-paul–harvey-conservative-talk Now that’s what I’ve learned this week and that should make you want to get out and vote or, at least ask a bunch of good questions to those who are running for office. Go ask those good questions! Love, the “REAL DONALD” vote, vote, vote.. |